Specified method not found #PnP #Office365

Paul Keijzers [#MVP]
Paul Keijzers (@KbWorks)
1 min readOct 30, 2018


Since 19 october 2018 a few clients came to me with a issue in there provisioning engine. After investigating first thing I saw was that the xml Schema was outdated and (Deprecated). This was not the cause as the clients used different schema’s

Using the tracelog of PnP I found out that the issue occured while creating lists. I removed everything from the lists till I only had the list and still the issue arraised.

In the end I found out that the issue occured if this parameter was in the code “EnableVersioning=”true”” removing the parameter solved the issue.

So if you are experising the same issue first try to remove the parameter. Another one that a collegue pointed out to me is when you use “DocumentTemplate=”{site}/listname/Forms/template.dotx”” you should remove this as well as it is exported by default by the PnP engine and does not work anymore.

Hope it solves your problem using this blog! I was pointed out to this github issue by Robert Schouten which describes the same.

